About me:
Hello guys, nice to meet you! (◕‿◕)
My name is Aleksandra (Sashtje is my nickname) and I am an Aspiring Frontend Developer. I am passionate about Web development and design, enjoy coding and learning new things. I like to create various animations and make the communication between a user and a site the most enjoyable and interesting.
My goal is to become an excellent specialist, to know all the details in my working area and to create useful, wonderful and amazing works. I am purposeful, responsible, fast learner and I easily find a common language with various people. I am a good team player.
If you are looking for Junior Frontend Developer to your team or you have interesting ideas or a project and you want to collaborate, I will be glad if you write to me an e-mail or contact me via discord.
Code example:
My solution of "Reverse or rotate?" kata from codewars.com
function revrot(str, sz) {
if (str == '' || sz = 0 || sz > str.length) return "";
let arr = [];
let count = Math.floor(str.length / sz);
let resultStr = '';
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++)
arr.push(str.substr(i * sz, sz));
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
let sumCubes = arr[i].split('').reduce(function(sum, item) {
return sum + Math.pow(Number(item), 3);
}, 0);
if (sumCubes % 2 == 0) resultStr += arr[i].split('').reverse().join('');
else resultStr += arr[i].replace(/^(\d)(\d*)$/, '$2$1');
return resultStr;
My projects:
Education and courses:
- I am currently learning in RSSchool JS/Frontend.
- I have two certificates from freecodecamp: "Responsive Web Design" and "JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures". And I continue learning there.
- I am also learning on webref, htmlbook, w3schools, MDN Web Docs and javascript.ru.
- I have read books on html&css, js, jQuery, git, algorithms topics. And I continue to read books on other Frontend technologies and frameworks and actively follow the news.
Russian is native.
English is B2+.
I have 4 sertificates in the
Simpler app
from Elementary to Upper-Intermediate:
- On Duolingo.com my current score is 42 816.
- I have video calls experience with native speakers.
- I adore English, love to read Medium.com, books and programming articles.
- I like to watch different kinds of videos in English.
Dutch is A1.